Planned Temporary Closure of Sligo Cathedral
As part of ongoing renovation works, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo, will close after Mass on Monday 6th January 2025, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord and reopen on Wednesday 16th April 2025 for the Mass of Chrism.
Work has been underway for some time to repair the roof and to renew the pointing of the stonework on the Cathedral. Now that the walls have had time to dry out, the interior surfaces, which were badly affected by damp, are about to be cleaned and repainted.
Liturgies for the duration of the closure will be celebrated in Nazareth Chapel, Church Hill, Sligo (F91 DD72). The Jubilee Year Cross will move temporarily to St Anne’s Church, Sligo (F91 R250). The Adoration Chapel at the Cathedral will remain open during this time (reopening after Christmas on Monday 13th January) and the Cathedral car park will be operational.
With thanks to all involved in these renovation works at our Cathedral.