Taking Our Hearts to the Lord
Advent 2024
There is a beautiful tradition in many parishes of the Elphin diocese of small groups of adults pausing during Advent to place the Lord of the work before the work of the Lord.
Basically groups ranging in size for six to sixteen gather for c. forty minutes per week to pray some pre-selected psalms, listen to and reflect together on the Gospel passage of the coming Sunday, and to pray some short prayers of praise, gratitude and petition.
This lovely practice was necessarily interrupted during the Covid 19 pandemic but is now making a welcome return.
Invitation to Group Leaders
There are many sets of the Taking Our Hearts to the Lord resource booklet in parish offices and presbyteries throughout the diocese. Copies can also be requested by contacting Justin Harkin (see details below).
A series of one-page (A4) sheets have also been prepared. These contain Gospel passages and reflections aimed at supporting good discussion and prayer. These are available to download from the next sub-section of this web page. Hard copies can also be requested from Justin.
Gospel Reflection Downloads
Advent Week 1 Advent Week 2 Advent Week 3 Advent Week 4
It is envisaged that each group would meet on four occasions for c. 40 minutes. Where groups are small, participants may like to gather around one of their kitchen tables. Larger groups may like to avail of a facility like a parish meeting room.
Sessions 1 – 4
It will simply be a matter of moving through the relevant pages of the Taking Our Hearts to the Lord booklet, and of the sheet that supports engagement with the Sunday Gospel. It’s all quite simple with the role of the leader (which some groups may like to rotate) clearly defined.
Group Size
We recommend a maximum of sixteeen participants per group. This is to facilitate enquiry, sharing and getting to know one another.
Where a parish facility is used we encourage participants to make a donation toward light and heat.
A donation of €5 for each Taking Our Hearts to the Lord booklet would also be appreciated from groups that seek new copies of the booklet.
Thankfully there is a tradition of facilitators / leaders very kindly giving their time free-of-charge.
Reservation of Places
This is not an issue in many parishes. One simply needs to turn up to the first meeting.
Where a group may be restricted owing to the size of the venue etc. interested adults are requested to follow the procedure communicated through their parish web site or newsletter.
Dates, Times, Host Parishes, Venues & Facilitators (Provisional)
All parishes are invited to share details here.
TUESDAYS (Evenings) 28th Nov & 5th, 12th, 19th December
7 – c. 7.40 pm
Church of the Sacred Heart,
F45 F702
Facilitator: Ann Gilligan & Clare McCann
WEDNESDAYS (Mornings) 29th Nov & 6th, 13th, 20th December
11.30 – 12.10 pm (after 11 am Mass)
St. Coman’s Club,
Abbey St,
F42 YT51
Facilitator: Mary McBrien & Tom Beirne
WEDNESDAYS (Mornings) 29th Nov & 6th, 13th, 20th December
11.30 – 12.10 pm (after 11 am Mass)
St. Coman’s Club,
Abbey St,
F42 YT51
Facilitator: Mary McBrien & Tom Beirne
WEDNESDAYS (Evenings) 29th Nov & 6th, 13th, 20th December
7.00 – 7.40 pm
St. Coman’s Club,
Abbey St,
F42 YT51
Facilitator: Justin Harkin
THURSDAYS (Evenings) 30th Nov & 7th, 14th, 21st December
8.00 – 8.40 pm
Forthill House,
Battery Rd
N37 W1W2
Facilitator: Fr. Innocent Sunu C.C & Fr. Joseph
SUNDAYS (Evenings) 29th Nov & 6th, 13th, 20th December
6.00 – 6.40 pm
BALLINASLOE (at request of CREIDEAMH Network)
Clonfert Family Centre
Facilitator: John Weldon
Further Enquiries
Please ring, text or email Justin on 087 6171526 / [email protected]