Report from Steering Committee

What does God want from the Church in Ireland at this time?

In fulfilment of its remit to guide a two-year process of synodal listening and discernment for the Catholic Church in Ireland, the Report from the Steering Committee for the Synodal Pathway of the Catholic Church in Ireland has now been published. Documenting the learning and offering recommendations to help shape and inform the next phase of the Irish Synodal Pathway, the report provides:

  • an overview of the work carried out
  • an explanation of the key milestones on the journey so far
  • key features of the context in which the Catholic Church in Ireland is undertaking this synodal journey
  • examples of synodal dialogue and outreach to illustrate the variety, creativity and significance of the work that has taken place to date
  • key themes in the learning from this initial two-year phase
  • insights into the experiences, motivations and concerns of local leaders (arising from research published separately at Report)
  • a series of recommendations for the next phase of the Irish Synodal Pathway

You can download the full report by clicking on the image below. An brief executive summary is available on pages 4 – 7.