The Alpha Course is designed to present the basics of the Christian faith over a series of 16 video presentations. In the normal context for Alpha, people gather together to view the presentation and follow up with small group discussion. There is typically a hospitality and social element at the start of each session also.
Under the current Covid-19 restrictions, when it’s not possible to gather physically, it is possible to run the course on-line. Guidance on how to this, along with a training video on Zoom can be found below along with links to the 16 video presentations.
Watch the Alpha Film Series
Please click on highlighted text to launch relevant episode
Episode 1: Is there more to life than this?
Episode 2: Who is Jesus?
Episode 3: Why did Jesus die?
Episode 4: How can I have faith?
Episode 5: Why and how should I pray?
Episode 6: Why and how should I read the Bible?
Episode 7: How does God guide us?
Episode 8: Introduction to the Alpha Weekend (introduces the Holy Spirit)
Episode 9: Who is the Holy Spirit?
Episode 10: What does the Holy Spirit do?
Episode 11: How can I be filled with the Holy Spirit?
Episode 12: How can I make the most of the rest of my life?
Episode 13: How can I resist evil?
Episode 14: Why and how should I tell others?
Episode 15: Does God heal today?
Episode 16: What about the Church?
Download Participants Guide
Guidance On How To Run An On-Line Alpha Course
If you would like to be the host of an Alpha On-line Course then please click on the link below for instructions on how to do it. This will also give you detail on how to set up the Zoom Conferencing App which both the host and all participants must have installed on their computer/laptop/phone.