Studies in the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Pope John Paul II’s publication of The Catechism of the Catholic Church in 1992 – the first such compendium of Catholic Teaching in 400 years – offers adults a wonderful opportunity to update their knowledge and to deepen their understanding of the Faith. More recently the Maryvale Institute ( increased the accessability of the riches of this Catechism by developing an Adult Studies in the Catechism course. This course supports study of the Catechism in a planned and systematic way by groups of interested persons, supported by a facilitator and spiritual director. In September 2012 the Maryvale Institute kindly granted permission to the Diocese of Elphin and other Irish dioceses to make this course available as part of their Adult Faith Formation programmes.
Currently (September 2016) the course in running in Sligo and Roscommon. It can also be made available in other centres, subject to a commitment by twenty interested adults.
Persons interested in finding out more or placing their name on a waiting list for this course are encouraged to contact:
Justin Harkin
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 087 6171526
Schedule of Meetings for Current Course Participants (Jan. – June 2016)
Roscommon (Unit 6) |
Sligo (Units 3 & 4) |
Mondays 8- 9.45 pm
Room 18, Sept. 5th |
6.30 – 8 pm The Library, Sept. 6th Jan. 24th

Catechism of The Catholic Church
Updated August 10th 2016