Overview of the Pastoral and Faith Development Office
Working Towards A More Participative Church
Operating under the patronage of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception the Elphin Diocese’s Pastoral & Faith Development Services operates at two levels.
- At the level of innovation and development it:
- researches and initiates consultation around pastoral, evangelisation, education and adult faith formation initiatives that are recommended to the diocese
- manages the administrative, resource, communications and evaluative aspects of approved initiatives
- liaises with individuals, groups and other bodies that seek to contribute to the development of the diocese as a more participative Church
- liaises with individuals, groups and other bodies that seek to respond to specific pastoral and faith development challenges.
At the level of practical support it:
- serves as a point of information in relation to pastoral and catechetical resources and innovations
- seeks to encourage and support persons called to advance pastoral and faith development initiatives at parish, cluster and deanery levels
- provides workshops, lectures, seminars, courses etc. in response to requests (drawing on the expertise of friends of the Office).
Please get in touch in relation to your pastoral and faith development concerns.
If we cannot assist you we will try to put you in touch with someone who can.