Safeguarding Review Report 2023

The National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland, recently arranged for the Second periodic independent review of Child Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese of Elphin. The review was carried out in March 2023 and the report has now been released to me for publication.

I very much welcome the report. I am very grateful to our Director of Safeguarding, Mary Nicholson, to her predecessor Frank McGuinness, and to our Diocesan Safeguarding Executive for the strong leadership they have given. A word of particular thanks is also due to the clergy, local safeguarding representatives and the volunteers in all our parishes, for the hard work and care that has made it possible for children to participate safely and joyfully in the life of the Church.

The future of the Church, without question, depends on the involvement of families, including children. During the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the involvement of children in the liturgy was not possible. I am delighted to see that, in parishes all over the Diocese, children are once more fully engaged. As we publish this report today, we renew the commitment of the Diocese to ensuring that their involvement is in keeping with best practice.

The report can be viewed in full here, and on the website of the NBSCCCI  

Bishop Kevin Doran 
26th May 2023