Opening Ourselves to God’s Graciousness
– A Reflective Advent Journey
Fr. Michael Drennan SJ
Tuesdays 30th Nov. & 14th Dec., 8 – 9 pm via Zoom.
Organised in a spirit of partnership with the CREIDEAMH Network (
Fr. Michael will begin both sessions with a short reflection designed to help us review our current experiences in terms of life and faith and mindful of the challenges being generated by the Covid 19 pandemic. Both reflections will culminate with questions that will help participants come into conversation with him and one another.
Following these conversations Fr. Michael will offer a second reflection, this time drawing on the theme of exile that flows through the Advent season. More specifically he will draw on the word of God as communicated by the prophet Isaiah – a gracious word to people in waiting to come back from exile.
No background is Sacred Scripture required. For both sessions Fr. Michael will be eager to help us recognise how God is speaking in and through our own experiences.
Zoom Details (both meetings)
8 – 9 pm Tuesdays 26/10/2021 & 02/11/2021
Meeting ID: 8761715260
Passcode: 270420
Fr Mike Drennan SJ is a former Director of The Jesuit Centre for Spirituality, Manresa, Clontarf, Co. Dublin, and has practiced extensively as a counsellor and as a spiritual director. He was Secretary General of the Conference of Religious of Ireland (CORI) from 2003 to 2007. Since 2007 he has been engaged in administrative work in the Irish Jesuit Province and as a retreat provider in Manresa and throughout Ireland.
On both evenings Fr. Michael will draw on our current experiences and sense of well-being, i.e. mindful of the challenges the Covid 19 pandemic is generating for us. In light of our engagement he will follow through by exploring how the season of Advent and certain biblical readings and characters associated with Advent speak words of encouragement into our reality and invite us to open ourselves to God’s graciousness.
Servant of God Frank Duff
The Founding of The Legion of Mary
100 Years Ago
8 – 9 pm
Tuesdays Oct. 26th & Nov. 2nd 2021
From 8 to 9 pm on Tuesdays October 26th and November 2nd the Elphin Diocese’s Pastoral & Faith Development Services’ Office will host the above two-session seminar via Zoom.
Our guest presenter will be Dr. Evie Monaghan, a member of the Historical Commission for the Cause of Canonisation of Frank Duff (see more information below).
Frank Duff, founder of the Legion of Mary, was a man renowned for his commitment to lay participation in the life of the church. Evie’s presentations will introduce Frank Duff from a historical perspective in the context of his Cause for Canonization. She will look at his life story, the foundation of the Legion and Duff’s principles for the lay apostolate in both a local and international context.
Both presentations, each c. 35 minutes, will be followed by opportunities to engage in discussion, pose questions and offer comments.
We shall also begin and conclude with moments of prayer.
Dr. Evie Monaghan
Dr. Evie Monaghan completed a doctorate in history at Maynooth University in 2014. Her thesis explored Eucharistic practices and beliefs in early modern Ireland. She has worked in a variety of archival roles and is currently completing a postgraduate diploma in Archives and Records Management with the University of Dundee. She is a member of the Historical Commission for the Cause for Canonisation of Frank Duff.
Zoom Details (both meetings)
8 – 9 pm Tuesdays 26/10/2021 & 02/11/2021
Meeting ID: 8761715260
Passcode: 270420
Seminar Format (both evenings)
* Word of Welcome
* Opening Prayer
* Presentation from Dr. Evie Monaghan
* Short Discussion in Break-out Groups
* Larger Group Discussion / Q & A / Comments
* Word of Appreciation
* Closing Prayer
No pre-booking required.
Places on a first-come basis.
Total Capacity: 95