Youth Alpha
Invitation to Youth Alpha Information & Training Evenings
An invitation to Post-Primary RE Teachers, TY Co-ordinators, TY Student Leaders, Parish Pastoral Council Representatives, Parents, Grandparents, Clergy and other Adults interested in exploring ways of supporting Christian faith enquiry among teenagers.
7 – 9.30 pm Wednesday Sept. 28th College of the Immaculate Conception, Summerhill, Sligo.
7 – 9.30 pm Wednesday Oct. 5th: St. Joseph’s College, Summerhill, Athlone.
Please pre-register by emailing: [email protected]
What is Youth Alpha?
Youth Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. It is designed to engage young people in conversations about faith, life and God.
Who is the intended audience?
It’s primarily for young people who don’t attend church but who are open to exploring a personal relationship with God.
What age group is it for?
Youth Alpha has been developed with young people aged 14–18 in mind, but it frequently appeals to many who are both younger and older.
How many weeks is it?
It’s either eight, nine or ten weeks long depending on how many sessions are included on the weekend or day away.
Are there resource materials?
Yes. There is an Alpha Youth Film series which supports every session and leaders are also provided with questions etc. to support discussion.
What does a typical session look like?
The group eats some food together, watch an episode of the Alpha Youth Film Series and then chat about it in small groups together.
Do organisers have to provide a meal?
No, you don’t have to do a meal in order to run Alpha. You can always do snacks, refreshments or desserts instead.
Who can run the Alpha Youth Film Series?
Anyone. Whether you are a teacher, a TY student, an adult interested in youth faith development etc., young or old, Youth Alpha has been designed to be simple to use for everyone.
Where can Youth Alpha be run?
Anywhere. Alpha can be run in any setting: church buildings, homes, schools (with permission), coffee shops, and pretty much anywhere else you can think of. The key is to remember that it is a relaxed, fun and inviting atmosphere.
Where can I get more information?
Visit, ring Amanda @ 086 8330113, Justin @ 087 6171526 or come to one of these Information & Training Evenings.