Homilies and Addresses

Homily of Bishop Kevin at Jubilee of Marriages 2018
Jubilee of Marriages 2018 Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon – 10th June 2018 It is lovely to gather to today to give thanks for the the gift of love. It is God’s gift to us. God is love and he shares his Spirit with us It is our gift to one another, which He makes possible....

Blessing and Official Opening of Cloonakilla NS, Bealnamulla, Athlone
Words of Bishop Kevin on the Occasion of the Blessing and official Opening of Cloonakilla National School, Bealnamulla, Athlone 7th June 2018 Photo with thanks to Ss Peter and Paul’s Parish, Athlone I was very interested to discover that the original Cloonakilla National School was built in 1958, just sixty years ago this year. I...

Homily of Very Rev. Michael Duignan at Funeral of Bishop Jones RIP
Homily of Very Rev. Michael Duignan, Diocesan Secretary of the Diocese of Elphin at the Requiem Mass for Christopher Jones, Bishop of Elphin (1994-2014) Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo, Tuesday 22 May 2018 These May Days The wild ducks have arrived to reoccupy the little pond outside Bishop Christy’s house. The swallows are back as...

Words of Welcome by Bishop Kevin Doran, at the Funeral Mass of Bishop Jones RIP
Words of Welcome by Bishop Kevin Doran, Bishop of Elphin at the Funeral Mass of Bishop Christopher Jones RIP Tuesday 22nd May 2018, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo Today is, in some ways, a formal public moment in the life of our Diocese, but it is also a gathering of the many families of...

Homily of Monsignor Gerard Dolan at the removal of Bishop Jones RIP
Homily of Monsignor Gerard Dolan at the removal of the late Bishop Christopher Jones RIP Monday 21st May 2018, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo My dear friends in Christ, We are a diocese in mourning as we lament the passing of our much beloved retired bishop, Bishop Christopher Jones, popularly known as Bishop...

Pastoral Message from Bishop Kevin on Pentecost Sunday
Dear Parishioners, Today we celebrate the Holy Spirit whom we describe in the Creed each week as the “Giver of Life”. We have five days left to do all that we can to protect that Gift of Life. I want to acknowledge the generosity of all those who have worked so hard, through the toughest...
Homily of Bishop Kevin at Easter Sunday Mass 2018
It was early in the morning on the first day of the week. At the office of the Jerusalem Post, Judith had just made herself a cup of coffee when the phone began to ring. “Yes”, she answered. The boy on the other end of the line didn’t want to give his name. He told...
Homily of Bishop Kevin at Easter Vigil 2018
Seven or eight years ago, I bought a piece of software for my computer called Adobe Acrobat. For those of you who are not familiar with it, Acrobat is a computer programme for creating and editing secure documents. I have found it very useful over the years, but recently it started causing me problems. More...

Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran for the Mass of Chrism 2018
Just a week ago today, Pope Francis announced that he would be coming to Ireland for the World Meeting of Families in August. We have known for a while that it was a possibility, but now it is a reality. In recent months we have been thinking and praying a bit more than usual about...
Homily of Bishop Kevin at Novena in Tralee
The Christian Family Today – Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at Novena in St John’s Parish, Tralee, Co Kerry A Photo Opportunity I received the gift of life from a mother and father who loved me and I have two sisters whom I love very much. Through them, I am connected to aunts and uncles,...