Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord! Preparing for Pentecost 2020
To prepare ourselves for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit this Pentecost, we have prepared this prayer resource for you to pray at home from Friday 29th – Sunday 31st May 2020.
The Feast of Pentecost is one of the most important feasts in the entire church year. It occurs fifty days after Easter Sunday and brings the Easter Season to a conclusion. The word Pentecost comes from the Greek word Πεντηκοστή meaning Fiftieth. There is a parallel Jewish feast of Shavu`ot, which falls fifty days after the Passover. Originally a harvest festival, Shavu`ot now commemorates the gift of the Torah to Moses on Mount Sinai.
For Christians, Pentecost celebrates the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Apostles, Mary, and the first followers of Jesus, who were gathered together in the upper room. It also marks the beginning of the Church: That day, empowered by the new gift of the Holy Spirit, the first followers of Jesus left the upper room to bring the Good News to the people gathered in Jerusalem. Through their words and witness, the first of generations of people became believers in Jesus Christ and were baptised into his Church.
Click on the image to download the full booklet or you can download each individual day by following the links below.
Send Forth Your Spirit, O Lord! Full Booklet
DAY ONE – Friday 29th May 2020
DAY TWO – Saturday 30th May 2020
DAY THREE – Sunday 31st May 2020 – Pentecost Sunday
This prayer resource has been prepared by the Diocese of Clonfert and the Diocese of Elphin.