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Online Preparation for Parents and Guardians of First Holy Communion Candidates
Three of our “Partners in the Gospel” Catechists in Sligo – Bernie, Gerard and Mary – would like to invite parents and guardians of First Holy Communion candidates, if they wish, to a preparation session, via zoom, on Monday 24th April at 8pm. This follows on from the success of similar online sessions the catechists...

Homily of Bishop Kevin at the Mass of Chrism
“I am the One – Holy Oil and Mission” Homily of Bishop Kevin Doran at the Mass of Chrism Wednesday 5th April 2023, 7.30pm Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo Language can be very interesting. It is fascinating to hear the differences in how people express themselves in English. If you ask for volunteers at...

Mass of Chrism
Bishop Kevin invites you to attend the Mass of Chrism this Wednesday 5th April at 7.30pm in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Sligo. During the Mass, Bishop Kevin will bless and consecrate the oils used in the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders and the Sick and the priests of the diocese will renew...

Young People and Faith – Lenten Reflection – Week 5
Once St Patrick’s Day is over, I pack my bags and head out on the road to begin Confirmation in parishes all over the Diocese. Over the past few days, as I travel around South Roscommon, the fields are dotted with new-born lambs, in among the watchful ewes. They are just one of the more...

Let My People Go – Pastoral Reflection Week 4
Let My People Go Pastoral Reflection for Lent – 4 A few weeks ago, I mentioned that there is a symbolic connection between the forty days of Lent and the forty days that Jesus spent praying and fasting in the desert. Forty days is “a long time”. There is also a symbolic connection between...

The Writing on the Wall – Lenten Reflection – Week 3
The Writing on the Wall It was early in June when the school principal suggested that it might be a good idea to organise a “second confession” for the children who had recently made their first communion. She suggested that, this time, we might celebrate the Sacrament “in the box”, to introduce them to that...

The Spirit comes to help us – Lenten Reflection – Week 2
The Spirit comes to help us At the end of a long day of teaching and healing the sick, Jesus often went off on his own to pray. Sometimes he invited his disciples to stay with him “and rest a while”. One of his disciples asked him: “Lord teach us to pray”. And so,...

With All Your Heart – Lenten Pastoral Message – Week 1
There was a time when Bishops wrote long Pastoral Letters for Lent, which were often read out in sections at Mass each Sunday. Perhaps it is better that, when people go to Mass, they hear a short but well-prepared homily on the Word of God, which is especially powerful during Lent. The best place for...

Accord Marriage Preparation Facilitators
Accord is currently recruiting volunteers to train as Marriage Preparation Facilitators. Marriage facilitators are part of a team that prepare couples for the Sacrament of Marriage. Couples find our courses fun, engaging and very relevant, while facilitators gain valuable life skills. If you are interested, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact...

Trócaire’s Lenten Campaign 2023
Welcome to Trócaire’s Lent 2023 resources for parishes. On this page you will find: A resource for use in any parish setting A Family Mass Resource for use in parish or at home Reflections on the Way of the Cross Scripts for use during mass Homily notes If you would like more information on any...